With Saferworld Organization finance(The Yemeni Civil Society Solidarity Fund), and in presence of the Education Office Director in Cairo Directorate/ Mr. Mohammed Abdel Qader, Youth Organization for Development and Democracy Organization launched a training workshop for training decision-makers of Education Office, in project framework of Development of Peace-building Tools and Social Cohesion, on Wednesday 18 March 2020 in Taiz Governate. The Workshop will still for four continues training days, and target 20 school manager and 20 social education teachers. The project aims to strengthen the role of local partners, organizations, activists, and teachers, and to provide them with expertise by providing them with multiple experiences and comprehensive information in peacebuilding.
The Education Office Director, in Cairo Directorate, viewed the training mechanism and its chronic program. He praised in the project importance, and its role in developing peacebuilding tools and social cohesion.
Also, the project assistant director, Hisham Al-Adoufi, also thanked the official authorities that cooperated – and are still – in making this project being successful, in which supports many social peace projects and its tools development.
In addition, Participants in this training expressed their admiration in the project idea and its effective role in developing community peacebuilding tools and in good selection of participants.
Many social figures who are familiar with the project and its mechanism called to intensify such activities that the community needs which suffers from disintegration of societal fabric. Also, to strengthen the bonds of peace, brotherhood, and tolerance among members of society.
It is worth to mention that Youth Organization for Development and Democracy has been since its foundation – and it is still – one of the most prominent civil society organizations concerned with such programs, which help the community to socialize, and to promote peace and its tools.