Within the framework of the project “Promoting Peace Opportunities through Media Institutions” funded by the GIZ, this morning, YODD inaugurated a series of discussion sessions about the films produced by the distinguished students of the Media Department at Taiz University.
It is worth noting here that the 30 distinguished students of the Media Department had undergone a series of intensive training in script-writing, directing, photography and editing during a previous period of this project implementation. The trainees formed six teams at the level of each directorate. They produced some short films about issues that threaten peace and peaceful coexistence in their six directorates targeted by the project. They used the media lab’s equipments that was equipped by the project for the media department at the Faculty of Arts- Taiz University during the last period of the project implementation.
During December, the six teams will present the produced short-films and discuss them in the discussion sessions in 6 districts in Taiz. Discussion sessions will last for three days in each directorate for 18 days in the six targeted districts.