منظمة الشباب للتنمية والديمقراطية

Youth Organization for Development and Democracy (YODD)


conclusion of the Training workshop for journalists and activists on social media, about peace and social cohesion…

With SAFERWORLD Organization funding, Youth Development and Democracy Organization in Taiz has concluded a training workshop for journalists and activists on social media, on peace and social cohesion.The workshop has targeted 20 participants from the media and activists in Taiz,… Read More »conclusion of the Training workshop for journalists and activists on social media, about peace and social cohesion…

A reportage of wall drawing production

Haiyat Youth Initiative has implemented wall drawings, funded by Youth Organization for Development and Democracy, and SaferWarld Organization, with the framework of peacebuilding tools and structures project

Conclusion of the workshop on using the conflict resolution and peacebuilding guide for teachers in Taiz …

In the framework of peace-building tools development and social cohesion Project, funded by SAFERWORLD Organization, the workshop of using the guide of teachers in conflict resolution and peacebuilding for (20)teachers representing 20 high schools, which lasted for two days, has… Read More »Conclusion of the workshop on using the conflict resolution and peacebuilding guide for teachers in Taiz …